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Innovative Services
Sperry Drilling Services offers a variety of new services aimed at addressing and evolving the new collaborative multi-disciplined workflows being adopted by our customers with the goal of improving their exploration and production performance. These solution-oriented services are designed to help enhance decision making and to help interpret the vast amount of real-time data being generated.

These services include ADT® (applied drilling technology) optimization services, reservoir visualization services, and LaserStrat® chemostratigraphy services. Sperry Drilling Services' ADT® optimization services are aimed at reducing drilling trouble time and optimizing drilling practices. MWD drilling information, coupled with shared surface data measurement, proven software applications, and trained and motivated personnel, reduces risks and significantly reduces downtime. These improved drilling practices result in a quicker learning curve. Our philosophy is to model, measure, optimize, and then model again. This closed loop is designed to enable continuous improvement through better drilling practices. These services are available at different levels, depending upon the drilling project.

The reservoir visualization services are designed to help ensure optimal wellbore placement within the earth model. Sperry Drilling Services has teamed up with Landmark to offer these expert services that allow streamlined workflows that integrate drilling with geology and geophysics. The scope of these services includes well planning and wellbore construction.

The new LaserStrat® service is the result of a collaboration between Sperry Drilling Services, Westport Technologies, and Chemostrat, Ltd. It is a near real-time service based on the proven techniques of chemostratigraphy. New hardware has been developed that allows the analysis to be done while drilling at the rigsite. The technique relies on the fact that the elemental composition of sediments plus trace elements is highly variable and that even apparently homogenous sequences display stratigraphic-related changes in their geochemistry. Applications of the LaserStrat® service include chemostratigraphic correlation with offset wells, casing point selection, and "chemosteering."

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